Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Picture Parade

Here's a bunch of pictures from the last few weeks:

Chilling on the balcony in briefs, cool shoes and a "lellow" hat. Hot hot day.

Getting ready for bedtime, in your warm weather jammies and a sippa cup of milk.

yes,  Socks and sandals are ok as long as you have some trendy Adidas clothes and Big Glasses to protect your eyes.

Washing up duties. Washing up, plug, brush, tap and dry are all in your vocab.

The breakfast of young  champions, Honey-O's. Sometimes you need two hands to make sure the spoon reaches the mouth without any spillage, but most of it usually makes it there ok.

Out and about in Malvern on the way to the Library to borrow some books. We stopped across the road from the Town Hall for a drink and some fun on the stairs and benches.

Drinking techniques. Note the elevated little finger. you can't teach class ladies and gentlemen, it's just born.

Drawing technique is moving forward in leaps and bounds. You can now be very purposeful with your colours when you want to be.

Yes dad, this IS how I want to go out today. Fairy singlet and Bracelet on upper arm. Maybe we should be sending you to school in Brunswick?

Happy Days

Hey hey you're words are getting better all the time. You still haven't managed to nail all the sounds exactly but the intent is pretty plain to see when you try. Running involves a slight acceleration accompanied by a flurry of arms waving like rotor blades. You can jump. Up and down stairs, no hands needed. You love flowers, love picking them and can say something close to Geranium and Lavender, and you can definitely say Daisy. You're now pretty good at Dressing and undressing. The undressing is more so you can dress though, which I think is your true love. Sometimes you start dressing, and don;t stop until you have everything in the wardrobe on. At once.

You'll take your nappy off now as soon as there's been a change in the weather down there. The smallest wee and off the nappy comes. There's no stopping you. You've done a poo? Off with the nappy and damned with the consequences! If nothing else it means keeping an eagle eye on you at all times around the house.  

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


This was meant to be on the end of the previous post, but the edit post window goes a bit bunny boiler on me on occasion.

So here you are, all rock and roll and grown up. My what big feet you have. You actually look like a slightly shrunken version of Michelle Williams (she's an actor, google* her). For a long while you have been struggling with my glasses. You call them 'Glashes'. I'm not sure if your head has grown or if it's just good technique, but the glasses are staying on your face 90% of the time now. Most of the other time it's because you're trying to put them on upside down. I've started to notice that the only time you drop them is when you're standing on a rough surface, like gravel, brushed concrete or Sand Paper. It's ok, they've lasted quite a while. almost 2 years.  That's some sort of record for dad.

Ok anyways, you look great.

This video always makes me laugh.  hmm no. no video. Blogger is playing up. I'll come back and edit it in later. ok I think It's sorted out now.  nope. still not.

So after all that we decided we'd head into town for an hour or so. Just to get out and have an adventure. The trains were very full and we both had to stand up. Before long you weren't happy being held and wanted to be let down to stand on your own two feet. I held your hand but sure enough you fell over a few times as the train bumped along the tracks. We we're just about at our last stop when you fell over again and I tried to stop you from hitting the floor. I felt a terrible little pop and you straight away let out a big sob.

You poor thing you cradled your arm close to your body and it was obvious straight away that something had popped out of place. You were very brave though and only cried when it got bumped. We hopped off the train and you were distracted by all the people around us.  I called mum who came and rescued us. Good mum. As we walked to where mum had parked her car, you snuggled into me and i wrapped you up in both arms. The occasional little sob was all I heard out of you as I carried you 4 or 5 blocks to where mum had the car.

Mum sat in the back of the car with you while I drove us all to the Emergency Department at the Children's hospital. When we pulled up into the drive you looked up and said "Hello Doctors". Poor thing, you've been here a few times before. Mum took you in while I parked the car and by the time I got back (5 minutes) You had already been fixed! The nurse behind the desk popped your elbow back into place and when I came in you were running around in circles with a big smile on your face and your arms in the air. Miracle recovery!

I was very glad you were fixed.

*Google or probably plug into the global synapse network that you can also teleport to the colony on Mars with or whatever your using by the time you read this.

A cool (fashion) day out (tram)

It was a beautiful sunny day out so I decided that we're heading down to the Malvern Central for a bit of shopping.  We leave the pram behind more and more often these days, as you love walking and don't really have any tumbles unless you're running. Plus you love riding on my shoulders. You grab onto my hair for balance and off we go. 

We can never pass up an opportunity to ride on the tram!!! One came by just as we wee passing the tram stop so on we hopped. I'm glad we did because I got some beautiful, magical photos of you. You look more gorgeous with every day that passes.

When we're on the tram, You're not really interested in looking out the windows anymore. It's all about the handles, seats, buttons and cords. You flip flop from seat to seat and it's hard work to keep your from falling head over heels when the tram stops and starts.  You always have a few fans on the tram too.  You don't tend to wave to people until you feel like they are far enough away to warrant a wave though. 

We rode the tram for all 4 of the stops to the shops and then hopped off (not without a little resistance). When we stood up as the tram came to the stop, you pulled the cord down that tells the driver that somebody wants to get off. A elderly Greek gentlemen laughed at you and said "He's-a good boy!"  I swear it doesn't matter how many bows you have in your hair....

Once at the shops, we headed down to Target to find you a pillow and dad some new undies. You spent about 15 minutes walking around the mens underpants section grabbing seemingly random items off the low hanging racks and bringing them back to me and then exclaiming in a very high pitched voice "NICE!!!"

After another lovely tram ride home, it was still sunny out so you decided to spend some time on the Balcony. You're so rock and roll this week. So cool.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Clothes Horse (miniature Shetland Pony)

It was a bit cold outside today so we spent a lot of time inside going through your clothes and mine. If I had a dollar for every time you wore my underpants on your head today I'd be a rich man and I'd buy you some of your own that would fit without covering your eyes and so you didn't walk into walls. But anyway, unless I find a sponsor for that, it will have to go on the back burner.

You're really starting to discover blankets, pillows and beds now. I'm noticing concepts snapping into place every week. Instead of sitting up on the lounge for your morning bottle, you insisted on being in bed and you pulled the blanket over yourself and seemed to enjoy the whole experience immensely.

We had a few cuddles in bed today, both lying with our heads on the same pillow and the doona pulled up high. You gave me lots of kisses and I tried to get you to close your eyes so we could both pretend we were sleeping. I think there was a problem with me telling you to close your eyes, and then opening mine to check to see if you had closed them and I think you'd see me open my eyes and then... well. There wasn't much eye closing going on. You did try really hard a few times. You even resorted to holding your eye lids shut with a finger on each one, but they'd still pop open. Such confliction, cute to watch.

You tried on more of your own clothes than you did of mine for once. You're quite good now at getting jumpers on (umper) though you sometimes have trouble fitting into the 5th or 6th layer. Remember for the future kiddo, take off a top after you've tried it on AND THEN try the next one on. Sure, it's a great way to shoplift at Target but lets keep that one up our sleeve shall we? You also, always, put the tops on back to front. Early days yet though. You don't need to panic when your hand doesn't reappear out the end of the sleeve as soon as you expect it to. They come back, they always do. they're attached!

So, in case I haven't covered these things lately; You call yourself Yarlie, you say 3...2....3 and then jump off the end of the lounge and onto the pillows followed by a little girly scream. You know most of the colours (well all the important ones that are used on football jumpers) and you're excellent with animal names and sounds. You are the Stairmaster. You tell us when you've done a poo. You prefer being naked. If given the option you will always choose frozen peas. Even if they weren't originally one of the options... You love wearing hats and you love mum and dad the most.

Your Oma sent down some parcels this week. They had lots of exciting books to read but most exciting of all, stickers on the envelope and the card!! You spent a lot of time with them after you had liberated them from their dreary paper prisons. We looked pretty cool with our piscatorial tattoos I must say. Although having a starfish on my forehead creeped me out a little a clown fish on yours suited you beautifully. Rock on baby.

PS. When I removed a particularly crusty Nasal Boulder from your left nostril today, you said 'Yarlies yuck' and then gave me the softest little kiss ever to say thank you dad for rescuing me.


Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Train Park

This week we've had a LARGE amount of fun being out and about together. Yesterday we met Jen, Dean and Soph down at Yellow Bird. We went with them to the Park and spent the morning swinging, climbing and sliding around the play area. The stairmaster in you had no problem climbing all over the big kids playcastle and you loved the slippery slides. Some of them generated so much static electricity that I was afraid to go within 10 feet of you. Your hair was standing on end and I could hear you crackling, although atleast I think it was crackling. Could have been Barking Ants I guess.....

After you had a big sleep the day got colder. You've had a bit of a cough so we stayed inside until it was time to drop you at mums. On the tram you just aren't happy unless you're swinging from the hand rail or those little green anchor shaped.... hand anchors? (not sure what you call them)

I have to hold you up there of course, but you grab hold with both hands and beam at the other people on the tram while dad holds you in mid air. I can't lift you up too high or you grab hold of the cord that people pull down to let the tram driver know they want to get off at the next stop. And you don't let go of that one. You're no longer happy sitting down.

Today we did some shopping. It was beautiful and warm outside, almost 26 degrees, so right about perfect. We ran around Armadale for a bit. You love the shops. Boy do you love the shops. If you're walking, then every shop gets a little visit. The more steps they have the better too. Up you go. you walk in a few feet and have a look around. Usually you'll wave back at me and say "Bye!!"... although that's what I assume. Given your genetic heritage, and this hadnt occured to me until now, you're probably saying "Buy!!". I'll pay more attention next time I promise.

Ok so, sorry I got sidetracked there. You have a look around and then somebody in the store will talk to you. They're always friendly of course, but once you get some attention you swivel around and shoot back out the door towards me as fast as you can. A big smile on your face the whole time. Its a fun game... the first 10 or so shops. They are all getting to know you though. Everyone loves you.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Where the bloody hell are you?

Ok time for an update or three. I really have to buy a new camera as my old one has started to chew through its batteries like they're tasty pastry treats.

You're growing up fast now little one. Words and short sentences are spewing out your mouth all the time. You save most of your talking for when you're at home though as when we are out and about, you are definately on the quite side. Just like your ma and pa. Although I'm going to wait a few more years to see if the loud Gene starts to get a bit more pronounced once you've had a few stiff drinks like me. Time will tell.

You're great on your feet too and I'm hard at work trying to decide on what sports I will pressure you into excelling at. Is it too early to start giving you pocket money? Not if you can start catching a cricket ball it isn't. The bruises will fade and mad skills will remain. Anyways, the option to be rolling in small change is there if you want to take it kiddo.

When I'm not caling you Charlie, Rosey or your own preferred nomenclature of 'Yarlie' I call you Stairmaster. You are definitely the best stair climbing 20 month old this side of China. You can win money for that stuff too when you're older.

You're loving Mango, Banana and frozen peas. You spend most of your time inside running around naked. I dress you, you undress you. I dress you, you undress you. you dress you, I laugh. You get frustrated that your head doesn't fit through an arm hole on a t-shirt and I also laugh at this. it's fun. You are really good at getting pants on and socks too. You know what buttons are but haven't quite nailed how to use them yet.

ok enough writing, time for pictures.